Cheshire Codes

2023 Year in Review: Favorite Programming Projects

Happy New Year! Looking back at 2023, I did a lot of programming projects but didn't keep up with this blog as I hoped. I thought now would be a good time to do a post looking at some of my favorite projects I did in 2023 that I haven't posted about yet.

In no particular order...

TUI Music Player in Golang

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Making a Simple Fantasy Desktop with No JavaScript

This weekend, I set out to make a little Personal Home Page, and what better way than to use old-school PHP, HTML, and CSS to make something gimmicky and fun. I decided to make a page that looks kinda like a Windows desktop. And just for fun, I decided to do it with no JS, just to see how far I could get.

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LESS Can't Use Hex Codes with Opacity

I recently wrote this line of CSS inside of a .less file....

background: linear-gradient(#fff0, #fff);

...after first trying it out inside the browser inspector, where it worked as expected, rendering a gradient background from transparent fading into white.

However, it did not work correctly after compiling the LESS file. It looks like it was getting compiled to:

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