Cheshire Codes

Making a Simple Fantasy Desktop with No JavaScript

This weekend, I set out to make a little Personal Home Page, and what better way than to use old-school PHP, HTML, and CSS to make something gimmicky and fun. I decided to make a page that looks kinda like a Windows desktop. And just for fun, I decided to do it with no JS, just to see how far I could get.

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Disable Foreign Key Constraint Checks in MySQL DB

This is usually a terrible idea, but sometimes you want to do it. For example, say you want to just purge a lot of data without worrying about foreign key constraints, because the table restricting your delete is also going to be purged.

You can disable foreign key checks with the following command:

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LESS Can't Use Hex Codes with Opacity

I recently wrote this line of CSS inside of a .less file....

background: linear-gradient(#fff0, #fff);

...after first trying it out inside the browser inspector, where it worked as expected, rendering a gradient background from transparent fading into white.

However, it did not work correctly after compiling the LESS file. It looks like it was getting compiled to:

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